Search Results for: walmart

Walmart, with its numerous locations across Florida’s major metropolitan areas, is a ubiquitous presence in the lives of many Floridians. While Walmart strives to maintain a safe environment for its customers, accidents can still happen. Whether it’s a slip and fall, a merchandise falling incident, or a parking lot mishap, knowing what steps to take […]

Los abogados de Miami que se especializan en la responsabilidad de los locales saben que Walmart lo mide todo. Ellos conocen sus números. Considere esto: Las ventas por empleado de Walmart son de $236,804, un aumento del 23% en la última década. Tiene más de 1 millón de trabajadores en las tiendas en turnos de […]

Con los avances tecnológicos en el mundo los negocios de igual forma van desarrollando nuevos métodos para estar al día. Uno de esos avances es las entregas de comida a domicilio que son de mucho beneficio en nuestra vida cotidiana. Antes teníamos el concepto que solo la pizza, comida China, o la comida chatarra eran […]

As our world advances technologically, all forms of business continue to evolve in order to keep up with the changing of times. Such as food delivery services, which have become a staple for convenience in our daily lives. There was a time when it seemed the only food options for quick convenience or delivery were […]

In this day and age, robots are taking over more and more jobs. Some of the largest stores in the country are developing the technology to put robots in its stores. One of those stores is Walmart. Walmart has recently been testing out using robots for tasks that people do not enjoy doing. It also […]

Miami premise liability lawyers know that Walmart measures everything. They know their numbers. Consider this: Sales per Walmart employee is $236,804 – a 23% increase over the last decade It has more than 1 million retail workers on full-time and part-time shifts. There is one Walmart worker for each 524 square feet of space in […]

Florida is a popular retirement place. The year-round warm weather and sunshine attract retirees and families alike. Retirees can live in bustling cities like Miami, Fort Lauderdale, or Tampa. Or they can choose a quiet neighborhood close to shopping and activities. It is estimated that 25% of Florida’s population will consist of retirees by 2030. Retirees […]

Cuando se trata de remodelación de viviendas y suministros para los contratistas, el primer nombre que viene a la mente es Home Depot. Esta compañía a dominado el mercado de las supertiendas de las mejoras para el hogar por casi 30 años y actualmente tienen 2,200 localidades en Norte América. Para permanecer en la cima […]

On February 20, 2020, the Third District Court of Appeals reversed the grant of summary judgment in a Miami slip and fall case. In Williams v. Ryta Food Corp., 3rd District Case No. 3D19-0126, the Third District reversed Judge Abby Cynamon’s ruling in the 11th Circuit. At the trial court level in Miami, Judge Cynamon […]

In the world of grocery store chains, there are many choices available to consumers. Although grocery stores provide the same service by selling food, what causes consumers to choose one store over another? There are many reasons, such as convenience, location, pricing, but the products offered are what distinguishes one store from another. Modern day […]

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