
Accident-Lawyer News: May Is National Bike Month

The League of American Bicyclists has sponsored National Bike Month since 1956, touting the activity as good for your physical health and mental well-being. Since May is Bike Month, it’s worthwhile to discuss bike safety in Florida in the hopes that increased bike traffic won’t simply lead to more bicycle accidents.


It’s easy to imagine why accidents between bicyclists and cars often cause severe injuries. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, more than 48,000 bicyclists suffered injuries in car accidents during 2011.

Boca News Now reports that a Floridian was killed in a recent bicycle accident, throwing a shadow over this year’s Bike Month. Steven Brown, 58, was riding his bike on the street when an approaching driver lost control of her van and rear-ended Brown.

Brown fell backward onto the van’s windshield, before falling to the ground. By the time paramedics arrived, Brown was already dead. Police continue to investigate the accident but haven’t filed any charges.

As the weather warms up, there are a few ways that you can protect yourself while biking.

How to Avoid a Bicycle Accident

Unfortunately, no amount of preparation or caution can save you from a negligent driver. Drivers who are reckless or distracted cause severe accidents no matter who is riding around them, but there are some easy precautions that you can take to avoid accidents with other drivers.

Bicycling.com recommends carefully avoiding drivers’ blind spots, especially near intersections where they may be planning to turn, even if they don’t use their turn signals. Brown’s crash is what’s known as an “overtaking accident.”

It’s not possible to drive defensively to avoid cars that are behind you and out of your field of vision, so always make sure to use reflectors or lights on the back of your bike, and employ hand signals to indicate that you’re turning.

If you’ve been involved in an bicycle accident in Miami, and you suspect that the driver that caused the accident was texting, fatigued or otherwise driving negligently, don’t hesitate to call us.

To schedule a meeting with a Miami accident lawyer from our firm, call us today at 305-285-1115.

What to Do After an Accident

After a bicycle accident, there are three steps that you should take. First, wait for police to arrive and make sure that they record your side of the story in the report.

Second, document your injuries by taking photographs and seeing a doctor as soon as possible. It’s also wise to start a journal to track your injuries and determine whether or not they are worsening.

Third, you should contact an accident lawyer as soon as you can. Your attorney will do more than just represent you during the lawsuit.

A lawyer can also offer practical advice about the accident and attempt to negotiate with insurance companies to get you the compensation you need without filing an injury claim. If you’re ready to talk with an accident lawyer in Miami about your injuries, call us today at 305-285-1115.

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