MIAMI BEACH – You can now legally flash your lights at oncoming cars and warn them that the police are running speed traps. That’s right, you can warn people that the police are around the corner and to slow down or they will get a ticket. But there was some…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Drunk Driving Accidents and Statistics
MIAMI BEACH – Drunk driving is common and a deadly combination around the holidays. It has an impact on our safety on the roads as well as from a more broad, economic standpoint. From a statistical standpoint, it is clear that drunk driving causes damage to people and property. Just…
Homestead Rear End Accident – City at Fault and Pays $68,000.00
HOMESTEAD – An on-duty Homestead police detective rear-ended a Chevy Malibu back in November of 2011. The cop was driving a Chevy Silverado truck which hit the Malibu from behind. The Malibu then hit another car in what became a three car accident. Aparrently one person went to the hospital from the…
New License Plate Chosen in Online Poll – Legibility of Plates Helps Catch Hit and Run Drivers
MIAMI BEACH – Following a poll, Floridians have chosen a new license plate tag. The poll was done online. The plates have seven characters so that the State does not run out of combinations to distribute. Highway Safety Chief Julie Jones Jones pushed for flat plates so that red light…
Hialeah Hit and Run – Pedestrian Dies from Accident Injuries
HIALEAH – Sadly, a woman died Tuesday in a pedestrian accdient. She was hit by a truck. The woman was walking on a sidewalk when the accident happened. The accident happened when a truck went up onto the sidewalk and crashed into the woman who was walking. After that, the truck proceeded to go…
Should I Buy Rental Car Insurance?
MIAMI BEACH – One of the more confusing moments in renting a car is the moment in time when the rental agent tries to sell you insurance on the rental. What should you do? If you have insurance on your personal car and it provides rental coverage, usually the answer is…
Fatal Car Accident on Turnpike – Preserving Black Box Evidence
WEST PALM BEACH – Tragically, a woman died on the Florida Turnpike Friday, December 14, 2012 near the Okeechobee Boulevard exit in Palm Beach. It happened at 5 a.m. The associated press reports that the Florida Highway Patrol said that she tried to avoid a crash in front of her but…
Drunk Drivers & Wrong Way Collision – NTSB Calls for Ignition Interlock on All Convictions
MIAMI BEACH – Today, the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) has called for every state to enact laws that would require an ignition interlock device for anyone who has been convicted of a drunk driving offense. This would include first time offenders. The device prevents the person from starting a car’s…
Tip One – What to do at the Automobile Accident Scene
MIAMI BEACH – First, you should almost always get checked out at the scene by Fire Rescue if you’ve been injured even slightly. And always be complete and consistent with the medical providers at the scene. Even if you have medical training, it is exceedingly difficult to assess your own medical…
You Can You Sue the Person You Rear-Ended – Sudden Stops, Short Stops, and Sudden Lane Changes
MIAMI BEACH - On November 21, 2012, in Cevallos v. Rideout, 37 Fla. L. Weekly S739a, Case No. SX09-2238 (Fla. 2012), the Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s decision that the presumption that the accident was the rear drivers fault could not be rebutted. So, yes, you can sue the…