Hit-and-runs are terrifying trends in the United States, especially because many victims may not have died if the driver had remained to provide aid or call for help. However, most drivers are prompted to leave the scene, either because they are breaking a law by driving without insurance or they…
Articles Posted in Car Accidents
Car Drives Into Restaurant, and Other Personal-Injury Lawyer News
Negligent driving takes many forms. Distracted driving is the most recognizable form today, because of the media attention it receives, but there are other types that are just as deadly. Reckless driving, which includes speeding, can also lead to serious accidents. Oftentimes, it’s apparent that negligence played a role in…
Police Arrest Truck Driver After Crash, and Other Accident-Lawyer News
In the world of car accidents, tractor-trailer accidents are the most destructive. These large trucks can legally weigh up to 80,000 pounds. According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average weight of a car is 4,079 pounds. The disparity between these two numbers should give you some idea of the…
Accident-Lawyer News: Hit-and-Run Roundup
CBS News reports that South Florida pedestrians are more likely to be involved in hit-and-run accidents than pedestrians anywhere else in the nation. According to a recent report, part of the blame rests on dangerous road design that makes it more difficult for pedestrians to safely cross the streets. …
Car-Accident Lawyer News: Hit-and-Run Roundup
Florida has received a great deal of criticism for its hit-and-run laws. Specifically, many complain that the laws are too lenient, giving negligent drivers incentive to take their chances and flee the scene of the accident. Drunk drivers are especially likely to leave the scene because they can sober up…
Accident-Lawyer News Roundup: Malfunctioning Cars
The media is abuzz with a new theory concerning movie star Paul Walker’s death. Professional drivers claimed that he original drag-racing story didn’t quite add up. Auto Blog relates that Roger Rodas’ peers described him as a “world class driver,” and many people couldn’t believe he would be that reckless.…
Florida Man Sues Police Officer For Distracted Driving Accident
No one is immune from distracted driving these days. Even if you aren’t texting or calling while driving, it would be hard not to be distracted by the features that newer cars come with. For instance, changing the radio station, fiddling with climate control or using anything but voice controlled…
Hit-And-Run News Roundup From Your Car-Accident Lawyer
Hit-and-run accidents are a growing danger on U.S. roadways. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), at-fault drivers flee the scene in about 11 percent of accidents. In Florida, news about hit-and-runs was all over the media in January. Below, you’ll find a summary of three of those…
Texting-And-Driving Accident Reignites
A video broadcasted on ABC News has gone viral. It depicts a driver in Florida losing control of his vehicle, swerving onto a sidewalk and hitting a tree before his car flips onto its roof. The video was captured by a police cruiser’s dash-cam. The police officer just happened…
Miami Woman Arrested After Hit-And-Run
Ismael Martinez and his son, Fidel Durante, were working on a concrete project on the side of the road when the accident happened. CBS Miami reports that it was early in the morning, and they were walking from their work truck to the project site when the driver of an…