Florida is a hub for short-term workers, contract employees, and business professionals attending conferences, meetings, or temporary job assignments. With its vibrant economy, popular convention centers, and tourist-friendly climate, Florida welcomes millions of business travelers annually. However, accidents and injuries can disrupt these professional visits, leading to unexpected medical bills,…
Articles Posted in Serious Injury
Hotel Injuries in Florida: Understanding Your Rights and Legal Options
Florida’s world-class beaches, attractions, and year-round warm weather make it a top destination for millions of tourists each year. With renowned hotels and resorts offering luxury accommodations, the state welcomes both domestic and international travelers in search of rest and relaxation. However, injuries at hotels can disrupt vacations and leave…
Injured While Visiting Florida from Canada? Here’s What You Need to Know
Florida is a popular travel destination for Canadians seeking warm weather, beaches, and entertainment. With over 3.5 million Canadians visiting Florida annually, the state is a hotspot for snowbirds, vacationers, and business travelers. However, accidents can happen during any trip, whether you’re visiting Miami, Orlando, Tampa, or Fort Lauderdale. If…
The Investigation Process for Personal Injury Claims in Florida Truck Accidents
Truck accidents often result in severe injuries and fatalities due to the massive size and weight of commercial trucks. When these accidents are caused by the negligence of truck drivers, victims have the right to seek compensation through personal injury claims. A crucial component of a successful claim is a…
Punitive Damages in DUI Injury Cases
In a tort case (GISELLE GATTORNO and DAVID IGLESIAS, Appellants, v. STEVEN SOUTO, Appellee. 3rd District. Case No. 3D23-0639. L.T. Case No. 21-22353. March 27, 2024) involving a pedestrian struck by a vehicle, the plaintiff sustained permanent and severe injuries when he was pinned between two vehicles after the defendant…
Miami Ultra Music Festival Accidents
On March 29th, the Ultra Music Festival returns for its 20th year but with a new location at Virginia Key on Key Biscayne a barrier island in Miami. A new location brings with it new challenges—especially regarding getting to and from Ultra. This year parking will not be available at…
The Horror of Florida Storefront Crashes
It can happen anywhere, at anytime. You and your family could be having a wonderful time out at a store, then tragedy happens. A car spins out of control and crashes into a storefront. The unfortunate truth is that this happens more than you would think. According to a study…
The Electric Scooter Revolution Comes to Florida
If you have been in a large city recently, you may have noticed a lot of people riding around on electric scooters. The trend is sweeping across the United States, with large companies investing millions of dollars and dropping hundreds of dockless electric scooters in cities across the nation. The…
Florida Hate Crime Laws
The Miami Beach Gay Pride mission statement is aimed towards bringing together the people of the lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender community, as well as their allies, supporters, and friends to celebrate the incredible culture and spirit of the LGBTQ community. The event is celebrating its tenth anniversary this year…
Panic Buttons for Miami Beach Hotel Workers?
Miami Beach could be the next town to promote usage of handheld panic buttons for hotel workers. Following the example of other cities, including Chicago and Seattle, hotel workers could be provided with an alarm for protection against sexual harassment and assaults. The proposal aims to introduce a portable panic…