
Miami Personal Injury Attorney Blog


When Can You Use Building Code Violations for Florida Slip and Fall Accidents?

Unfortunately, slip and falls accidents are very common in Florida, and they can result in serious injuries and expenses. Slip and fall accidents can lead to a host of injuries, from simple sprains and bruises to broken bones and back injuries. These injuries can lead to permanent disability and costly…


What’s the Difference Between Comprehensive and Collision Insurance in Florida?

When people think of auto insurance, they probably think of the comprehensive and collision insurance. But, most do not actually full understand the terms. So, what is the difference? Comprehensive and collision insurance are two of the most common types of auto insurance that are offered to repair damaged vehicles.…


Florida’s Fight Against Uninsured Motorists

Florida may soon make some dramatic changes to the realm of auto insurance. Auto insurance is not exactly an exciting topic of conversation, but several states around the U.S. have recognized that a significant portion of drivers are uninsured, putting drivers who are insured at high risk. A few states’…


More Car Accidents and Fewer Tickets in Florida – Who Would Have Guessed?

In South Florida, the number of crashes in Florida increased by more than 33,000 from 2012 to 2017. Yet in that same period in Miami-Dade, Broward and Palm Beach counties law enforcement officials issued 500,000 fewer tickets. If you received a ticket recently, then this means little to you. If…

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