
Miami Personal Injury Attorney Blog


Marsy’s Law – Florida Crime Victims’ Rights

Being a crime victim or someone close to a deceased crime victim is a difficult and life – changing experience. The world doesn’t look the same anymore. Suffering attack on your life, personal freedom, sexual freedom, safety, property, or anything else, means that the trust in others you once had…


Panic Buttons for Miami Beach Hotel Workers?

Miami Beach could be the next town to promote usage of handheld panic buttons for hotel workers. Following the example of other cities, including Chicago and Seattle, hotel workers could be provided with an alarm for protection against sexual harassment and assaults. The proposal aims to introduce a portable panic…


Florida has the Worst Drivers in the USA

Maybe this isn’t news to you, but for the second year in a row Florida was ranked first in having the worst drivers in the country. Miami car accident lawyers deal with the effects caused by bad drivers every day. Clients are faced with the ripple effect of an automobile crash –…

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