If you are driving a car and you rear end another vehicle, is it automatically your fault? The short answer is no. There are certain facts that may help you prove that the rear end car accident is not your fault. Our Miami car accident lawyers meet with personal injury…
Miami Personal Injury Attorney Blog
Boating Accident Injury Lawyers in Miami
The Boating Accident Injury Lawyers at Wolfson & Leon have reviewed the 2015 Boating Accidents Statistical Report which was published by the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. The results were shocking. The Florida Keys and Broward County led the state in boating related deaths with five boating-related deaths each.…
Insurance Companies Blame Rate Hikes on Low Unemployment
Lynne McChristian of the Insurance Information Institute recently told the Miami Herald that auto insurance rates are rising because of the drop in the unemployment rate as the main reason. “It’s an unintended consequence of low unemployment,” she said. “You have more people with jobs to go to.” That’s a…
How to Represent Yourself in a Slip and Fall Injury Claim
Filing a Slip and Fall Claim in Miami without an Attorney First things first. You are not required to have a Miami slip and fall attorney to file a claim for injuries from a slip and fall case. You can represent yourself. You cannot represent someone else unless you are…
How to Get My Attorney’s Fee Paid by the Defendant in a Miami Car Accident Case
Can I get the other side to pay my attorney’s fees in my Miami car accident case? The answer is sometimes, yes. The Miami car accident attorneys at Wolfson & Leon work with the rules surrounding proposals for settlement regularly. A proposal for settlement is basically an offer to settle…
Jury Divides Fault on Shopping Cart Injury Accident in Miami
A Miami jury split the fault in a Miami premises liability personal injury case involving a shopping cart. The plaintiff claimed Home Depot was negligent because it allowed a threshold to exist which caught a shopping cart the plaintiff was pushing. When the cart got stuck, it jerked back and…
Top Three Ways to Lose Your Personal Injury Case
If you have a personal injury case, you might feel that you have no control. Everyone else has the power – the attorneys, the insurance company, the judge, or the jury. But that is not entirely true. You do have some power. You have the ability to avoid the mistakes…
A member of the well-known Miami Mas Canosa family has filed a class action lawsuit against Tremont Towing because his car got towed from a private parking lot during non-business hours. He claims that the towing company violated Miami-Dade County and City of Miami Beach laws requiring private property owners…
How Daubert Standard Affects Miami Car Accident Cases
According to the Florida Bar, the Daubert Standard has a large impact on the admissibility of expert witness testimony. Relatively recent changes to Florida’s laws impact how victims seeking damages and recoveries can use expert witness testimony to support their cases. Many personal injury cases employ the testimony of expert…
The Florida Public Records Act and You
Did you know that Florida has a Public Records Act? Don’t worry, most people don’t. But the fact is that Florida has a very strong public record law. This week the Florida Supreme Court confirmed that policy with emphasis. Florida has a strong public policy in favor of open access to…