If you are a crew member and you’ve been gravely injured on a Celebrity cruise ship, you wonder if you have any rights to compensation when you can’t work and need extensive medical treatment. At Wolfson & Leon, we help people hurt in accidents recover damages to help them get…
Miami Personal Injury Attorney Blog
Condo Collapse Injury Lawyer in Miami
If you were injured or lost a loved one in a condo collapse accident, then you will want to find the top condo collapse accident attorneys that you can find. You will want to call the best Miami personal injury lawyers to help you and your family to investigate the…
Injured at Buc-ee’s Convenience Store and Gas Station?
Buc-ee’s is an expansive convenience store and gas station located in the South. With aisles of food, merchandise, and other specialty items, it is an excellent place to stop while traveling or making your way home from work. Yet, with so much going on, accidents can happen. You might be…
Injured at a 7-Eleven in Florida?
If you were badly injured from an accident at a 7-Eleven store in Florida, it is a good idea that you should reach out to the best Florida personal injury law firm for help. It may feel intimidating to call a lawyer when you’ve been hurt. Perhaps you think you…
Sprouts Farmers Market Injury in Florida
When you are strolling down the aisles of your local Sprouts Farmers Market, you may be focused on picking up your groceries for the week or grabbing a few things for tonight’s dinner. You don’t expect to get hurt, but it can happen. And when it does, we don’t know…
What Happens If A Security Guard Assaults A Publix Customer Because of a Mask?
Our community has suffered through the COVID Pandemic for months. In addition to various rules and regulations, many companies have also enacted masking rules for customers. But the question is just how far can a corporation go in the enforcement of masking rules? Consider if a customer entered a Publix…
Slip & Fall in Water – Summary Judgment Reversed as Affidavit did not Baldly Repudiate Prior Testimony
On February 20, 2020, the Third District Court of Appeals reversed the grant of summary judgment in a Miami slip and fall case. In Williams v. Ryta Food Corp., 3rd District Case No. 3D19-0126, the Third District reversed Judge Abby Cynamon’s ruling in the 11th Circuit. At the trial court…
The Ironic & Seemingly Inconsistent Florida Trend of Analyzing Substances Case by Case
The Florida Courts seem determined to factually analyze every substance known to man and whether that substance and the specific condition it is in can serve as evidence of constructive notice. Constructive notice is important in slip and fall cases these days because Florida Statute 768.0755 places the burden on…
Closing Arguments & Directed Verdicts
Recently, in an Orange County personal injury sexual abuse case, the Fifth District Court of Appeal ruled on issues surrounding improper closing arguments and a directed verdict. On January 31, 2019, in the case of Jagger Ferguson v. Orange County, (Florida 5th DCA 2019) Case No. 5D18-2405, they reversed the…
Is There Insurance for Revel Moped Accidents in Miami ?
Revel electric mopeds are now available for rent in a specifically designated area of Miami. There are 750 rental mopeds available in Miami and Revel has approximately 30 employees to provide service to the mopeds and for the customers. But what happens when someone is injured in a Revel moped…