
Should I Hire Miami Accident Attorney?

May, 14, 2013, Miami, FL- Traffic accidents are common enough that they seem routine, and many are just simple fender-benders that can be easily settled in no time by exchanging phone numbers or insurance information. But there are many accidents that entail fatal or catastrophic injuries which come at a great cost to the victim.

The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles estimates that 1,400 residents of the state are killed on an annual basis. In Miami-Dade County there are approximately 48,000 traffic accidents, resulting in an estimated 35,000 injuries, according 2005 statistics from the Florida DMV.

Many of these accidents are the direct result of another person’s negligence; close to 500 traffic collisions in Miami-Dade are caused by intoxicated drivers. But there are a whole host of other dangerous behaviors that motorists engage in that can have dramatic effects on another person’s life.

One mistake many Florida residents make is thinking they don’t need the help of an attorney if they are hurt by a negligent or careless driver. Data indicates that victims of collisions, workplace accidents, medical malpractice or other unforeseen injuries are more likely to get a settlement that three times larger than settlements for injury victims who don’t retain an attorney who practices entirely in the field of these types of cases.

The primary duty of an accident attorney is to determine who was at fault, and who should be responsible for paying the crash victim’s medical and other accident-related bills. Personal injury attorneys have the knowledge to know what your injuries are worth and how to successfully negotiate for a generous settlement.

Immediately following a traffic collision or other injury, the victim will be contacted by an insurer, especially of the injuries were particularly serious. This is a normal course of events, but injury victims need to be aware that insurance companies are there to make a profit, while there is no harm in that, it does affect the amount of settlement they are willing to offer an accident victim. The insurer cannot increase their bottom line unless they keep accident payouts low, and, unfortunately, they often offer personal injury and wrongful death victim’s injury settlements significantly lower than what victims require to cover all their accident-related costs and damages.

Some insurance companies are extremely fair and even generous; however you, the victim, should expect a settlement that not only covers accident-related costs, but also one that compensates you for the pain and suffering you must endure. The first offer you get from an insurance company will likely be much lower than you deserve. That’s why it’s so important to seek out the advice of a Miami accident attorney.

If you have the misfortune of losing a loved one, became permanently disabled, or sustained an injury that required an extended recovery period following a collision, you need someone who will fight to get you every cent you need and deserve. Money can’t replace the loss of a loved one of a person’s health but it can eliminate your financial worries.

Miami injury attorney, Jonah Wolfson will relentlessly pursue your case to assure you are fairly compensated for your accidental injuries.

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