Articles Posted in Car Accidents

flashing-lightsMIAMI BEACH – You can now legally flash your lights at oncoming cars and warn them that the police are running speed traps. That’s right, you can warn people that the police are around the corner and to slow down or they will get a ticket.

 But there was some question that this was ever illegal. In fact, officers were citing people under Florida Motor Vehicle Statute 316 portions where it is prohibited to have flashing lights on your vehicle. It appears that was a stretch as that law was in place to prevent the general public from having strobe lights on their cars. And a lawyer was rounding up people who had paid fines on that basis to pursue a class action.

The new law that is going into effect appears to be an effort to stall or make moot any civil class action. In any event, if you want to warn folks about speed traps, go ahead and do so.

drunk-driving-preventionMIAMI BEACH – Drunk driving is common and a deadly combination around the holidays.  It has an impact on our safety on the roads as well as from a more broad, economic standpoint.  From a statistical standpoint, it is clear that drunk driving causes damage to people and property.  Just take a look:

In March of 2012, the National Highway Insurance Institute for Highway Safety reported that impairment has nothing to do with the type of drink that is drank.  Rather, it has to do with the sheer amount of alcohol ingested and the amount of time that is done within. 

The National Highwayand Traffic Safety Administration (“NHTSA”) reports that just about every 90 seconds, a person is injured in a drunk driving accident.  They also report that, in 2011, 9,878 people died in drunk driving accidents.  And, one in three people will be involved in an alcohol related crash in his or her lifetime.  That was one every 53 minutes.  The NHTSA reports that drunk driving costs our Country about $500.00 per day and 132 billion dollars per year.

rear_end_collisionHOMESTEAD – An on-duty Homestead police detective rear-ended a Chevy Malibu back in November of 2011. The cop was driving a Chevy Silverado truck which hit the Malibu from behind. The Malibu then hit another car in what became a three car accident. 

Aparrently one person went to the hospital from the scene. And the injuries complained of in the accident consisted of neck pain. The Homestead City Council voted to accept the resolution of the case on Wednesday, December 19, 2012.

Lawsuits against City Government are governed by Florida Statute. Government has “sovereign immunity” that can be waived only by the legislature and in the manner set forth by the Legislature.  The Florida Legislature waived such immunity with limits to recovery, specific notice requirements, and service requirements. Florida Law requires notice to the governmental entity within three years of the acident and two years for a wrongful death case And, no lawsuit can be filed until six months after notice is given. A lawsuit must be filed within 4 years from the accident if it is a personal injury negligence case. And, the current limits on recovery against a City or other governmental entity are $200,000.00 per person and $300,000.00 per accident.

new-florida-plateMIAMI BEACH – Following a poll, Floridians have chosen a new license plate tag. The poll was done online. The plates have seven characters so that the State does not run out of combinations to distribute. Highway Safety Chief Julie Jones Jones pushed for flat plates so that red light cameras could see them easier. Apparently, a good number of red light violations cannot be substantiated because the cameras cannot read the raised letters and numbers. But the group PRIDE opposed her. PRIDE manufactures the plates with help from inmates. Apparently, they do not have the technology to make a flat plate.

There were quite a bit of complaints about the plates. A photo is attached. They don’t look so bad to us. The main point of a license plate is so that police and others can identify a vehicle. License plates become important following hit and run accidents. Many times, witnesses on the scene write down a plate of a car that hits other cars or pedestrians. Then, the police or a private investigator tracks down the runaway driver. Leaving the scene of an automobile accident with injuries is a crime. But it happens often. The new plates appear to be more legible. From a safety and accountability standpoint, that is all that counts.

pedestrianHIALEAH – Sadly, a woman died Tuesday in a pedestrian accdient. She was hit by a truck.  The woman was walking on a sidewalk when the accident happened. The accident happened when a truck went up onto the sidewalk and crashed into the woman who was walking. After that, the truck proceeded to go flying back into the street, smashing into a schoolbus.  The schoolbus had 16 children on it. The children were unharmed.

Pedestrian accidents like this are devastating.  The woman was on the sidewalk and not even on the roadway.  The accident happened in front of a shopping center at the intersection of West 16th Avenue and West 53rd Street. When vehicles leave travel lanes and cross into areas where people are walking, personal injuries are often devastating. In this case, the victim lost her life. There is really no way to prevent many accidents like this if you are the pedestrian.

Even if someone is off of a sidewalk or not in the crosswalk, it does not mean that the accident was solely his or her fault. While there are specific laws that govern where pedestrians are supposed to walk which are set forth in Florida Statute 316.130, those who are driving a car have the ultimate requirement to avoid hitting pedestrians.  After describing a pedestrian’s duty to abide by traffic laws and walk in appropriate places, Florida Statute Section 316.130(15) provides that “[n]otwithstanding other provisions of this chapter, every driver of a vehicle shall exercise due care to avoid colliding with any pedestrian or any person propelling a human-powered vehicle and give warning when necessary and exercise proper precaution upon observing any child or any obviously confused or incapacitated person.”

rental_carMIAMI BEACH – One of the more confusing moments in renting a car is the moment in time when the rental agent tries to sell you insurance on the rental. What should you do?

If you have insurance on your personal car and it provides rental coverage, usually the answer is “no” because it would be a waste of money. That doesn’t mean that you will be covered for everything that happnes. But, chances are that if you have your own coverage, buying additional coverage sold by the rental comapny is a waste. But read below to make sure. 

The rental agencies will try to sell you two things. The first is loss damage waiver. And the second is liability insurance. There are other coverages that they may try to sell. But these two are the basics and this article is limited to discussing the pros and cons of purchasing them depending on what coverage you have.

West Palm Beach Auto AccidentWEST PALM BEACH – Tragically, a woman died on the Florida Turnpike Friday, December 14, 2012 near the Okeechobee Boulevard exit in Palm Beach. It happened at 5 a.m. The associated press reports that the Florida Highway Patrol said that she tried to avoid a crash in front of her but was struck by a vehicle behind her. The accident caused the southbound lanes to close.

And, The Palm Beach Post reports that a pickup truck driver hit the median concrete wall in the center of the highway.  He spun and ended stopped in the road.  The woman who unfortunately died was driving a Mazda and may have hit that truck or stopped just before hitting it. Then, unfortunately, another pickup truck slammed into her, in what appears to be the accident that caused her to pass away. She expired at the hospital. The first  driver was also taken to the hospital. The police, Florida Highway Patrol, will continue to investigate. 

We are Miami Beach and Miami personal injury lawyers and handle cases throughout South Florida. Thirty percent or more of our cases are filed outside of Miami-Dade County and we have extensive experience litigating in Palm Beach County, Broward County, and throughout the state west to Collier County and as far north as Jacksonville. 

MIAMI BEACH – Today, the National Transportation and Safety Board (NTSB) has called for every state to enact laws that would require an ignition interlock device for anyone who has been convicted of a drunk driving offense. This would include first time offenders. The device prevents the person from starting a car’s engin if their breath tests positive for alcohol.

The device prevents a person from starting a car if the alcohol reading is too high. The NTSB says that it is the best way of preventing further crashes. If the blood alcohol concentration is .02 percent or .04 percent, depending on the device, the car won’t start. The breathalyzer is mounted on the car’s dashboard. 

The device is currently required for convicted drunken drivers in 17 states. According the the NTSB, drunk drivers account for more than a third of the nations 32,000 traffic deaths a year.

MIAMI BEACH – First, you should almost always get checked out at the scene by Fire Rescue if you’ve been injured even slightly. And always be complete and consistent with the medical providers at the scene. Even if you have medical training, it is exceedingly difficult to assess your own medical condition. Thus, strongly consider any offer from a fire rescue personnel on the scene to go in the ambulance to the hospital.

We are Miami Beach and Miami personal injury attorneys and have represented thousands of people in auto accident cases. Jerome H. Wolfson, Esq. has been practicing for over 50 years.

First responders like EMT (emergency medical technicians) know best when people need to go to the hospital. Listen to them. When they come to the scene, do what they tell you. If they say don’t move, don’t move. And do not forget to tell the EMT or Emergency Medical Technician on the scene every physical complaint that is bothering you after the accident. The reason this is important is because the insurance company or defendant will make a big deal out of anything that you may have forgotten to tell the Fire Rescue personnel. In fact, if you testify during your case that you had pain at the scene and you forgot to tell the EMT Fire Rescue person, the Defendant or Insurance Company may try to make it seem as though you are lying about your injuries.

MIAMI BEACH -  On November 21, 2012, in Cevallos v. Rideout, 37 Fla. L. Weekly S739a, Case No. SX09-2238 (Fla. 2012), the Supreme Court overturned the lower court’s decision that the presumption that the accident was the rear drivers fault could not be rebutted.  So, yes, you can sue the person that you rear ended. But let’s use some common sense. The accident has to be his or her fault, at least partially. As long as the person in front of you that you rear-ended did something wrong that rebuts the legal presumption that the accident was your fault, you should be able to recover.  But your recovery is limited to the percentage of the accident that was not your fault.

So, if you were injured in a rear-end accident in Miami or Miami Beach, our attoneys may be able to recover for you even if you did the rear-ending.  

The most common thing that a front driver does wrong to cause someone else to rear-end them is to make a sudden stop in an area where such a sudden stop wouldn’t be expected.   

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