Miami-AMEvery year, more and more people are deciding to make the move to South Florida. The small strip of coastline positioned between a swamp and the Atlantic Ocean provides year-round summer weather and plenty of sunshine. With such a small area that millions of residents call home, space can be limited. When the demand is high and supply is limited, the prices go up. The South Florida housing market has been well known for being the most expensive in Florida overall.

Residents looking to buy property will generally have to pay a higher price tag in South Florida than they would in other parts of the state for a similar property. If we focus in on Miami and the surrounding areas, it is estimated that the median home value is around $335,000. With families or individuals looking for a home, but cannot afford the luxury of owning a home, their only option is to lease. According to reports, an estimated median for rent in Miami is around $1715 a month. The high costs are another factor, but if we combine this with the availability of space, people must find a home that is affordable and available. With most of the land in South Florida already developed, the only place to add housing is upward. That is why condominiums have become a huge factor in being able to house so many people in such a small space.

Since 2012, reports state there have been 20,000 condo units built or planned for building along the South Florida coast. Condominiums have become a staple for the surrounding areas and the availability provides an easier housing solution for individuals and small families. As attractive as they have become, deciding to live in a condominium comes with several factors. One cannot simply just rent a condo and move in. Individuals that decide to lease or purchase a condominium, must apply and be approved to live in the unit. This application and approval process comes with a fee that can differ depending on the association and property management group. This fee can encompass several services, such as background and credit screening, move in and move out charges or even a general management fee. This appears to be a normal process, but what if the fee that is being paid is not only high in price but also is against the law.

IMG_3839-e1557784756413The Florida Condominium Act was invoked to protect tenants and consumers from being charged unfairly by property management companies and associations. The act was established in 1963 and has been updated several times since then, with the latest provision being in 1992. When establishing such an Act, the intentions are to keep protections in place and provide a fair marketplace for home buyers. The issue arises when an Act is established but is not enforced. This leads to price gouging and taking advantage of unsuspecting buyers.

To own property in the South Florida housing market is not for everyone, as the price tag and median costs are above many consumers’ budgets. That is why a majority of investments in South Florida property comes from foreign individuals or out of state residents. If a consumer is not a resident of Florida, the most advantageous property to own is a beautiful condominium. These luxurious condos are coveted by the local South Floridians as well, but just because you’re from South Florida, does not mean you receive any special treatment.

When a person or family would like to lease, purchase or transfer a condominium, they must pay a fee to cover the services rendered. The fee can be stated as the move in or out costs, background checks or even simple transfer fees. Most times these typical fees range anywhere from $150 to potentially $500. A key factor to understand is that the Florida Condominium Act mandates that this said fee has a cap of $100 per person. So, if this is the case, South Floridians are left wondering why associations get away with charging higher fees that are against the current law.

19614851476_d78361b531_bIn the world of grocery store chains, there are many choices available to consumers. Although grocery stores provide the same service by selling food, what causes consumers to choose one store over another? There are many reasons, such as convenience, location, pricing, but the products offered are what distinguishes one store from another. Modern day society has grown in its awareness of nutrition and what ingredients we are feeding our bodies. With the increase in awareness, came the diversity in nutritional diets.

People have many different needs in order to satisfy their diet essentials. This could range from a strictly organic diet of ingredients harvested without pesticides and growth hormones, or even a simpler diet that does not have specific requirements. Where the problem lies, is that not all stores may offer the specific needs of all diets. Traditional grocery stores offer all essential products, but this may not cater to all consumers. That is why they have begun to offer more availability of organic products. Depending on the store, there may be more or less options for healthier food. Fresh produce is the general area of a store that will have options for regular and organic products. Although this can satisfy many consumer needs, it still would not be enough for the individuals searching for all organic products. The main difference between general grocery products and healthier options, is the pricing.

There are several stores that offer all organic options, but this comes with a higher price tag. It has become a commonality that in order to eat healthier, you will need to have a higher budget. That being the case, it may not be suitable for all consumers. This leads to people purchasing select products that are healthier, while purchasing general products to complete the remainder of their shopping list. Since not all stores offer the same availability of healthier products, consumers sometimes need to shop at different stores in order to satisfy their shopping needs. These differentiation are what inspired Lucky’s Market to be the first grocery chain to break the norm.

floor-3When it comes to home improvement and contractor supplies, the first name that comes to mind is the Home Depot. This company has dominated the market of home improvement superstores for nearly 30 years now and currently has over 2,200 locations across North America. In order to stay at the top of the market for so long, a company must make many business decisions to keep up with the times and consumer needs.

Home Depot Financials

Home Depot was founded in 1978 with its first locations being in the metro Atlanta area of Georgia. The company went public in 1981 and shortly thereafter, they began their venture outside of Georgia by opening 2 more locations in South Florida. Over the course of the next 8 years, Home Depot would increase its foothold on the home improvement market by opening more locations through acquisitions and conversions of smaller named companies in different regions of the country. By 1989 Home Depot had beat out Lowes as the largest home improvement superstore chain.

photodune-2000018-accident-report-xs-300x300As our world advances technologically, all forms of business continue to evolve in order to keep up with the changing of times. Such as food delivery services, which have become a staple for convenience in our daily lives. There was a time when it seemed the only food options for quick convenience or delivery were either pizza, Chinese take-out or fast food. Then restaurants began offering take-out services, which grew to curbside pickup, and now most of your favorite restaurants are available for delivery via the many companies that offer food delivery services for a fee. With this type of convenience society has become accustomed to, other food industries needed to find a way to provide similar options for their customers. This gave way to major grocery store chains offering online ordering with curbside pickup, and now their latest venture in convenience is grocery delivery services.

Walmart currently offers grocery delivery services for a fee with a monthly or annual membership. Their website states this service is available in select cities across 50 states. This form of convenience will continue to grow, especially with Amazon’s plan to compete with Walmart by building their own grocery stores. Amazon already has in-home delivery services for their current products and hopes to utilize the same service for their grocery stores. Walmart is set to begin their own form of in-home delivery later this year in select cities.

Amazon plans to build grocery stores with the business model of prioritizing online ordering with pickup and in-home delivery, will lead to smaller stores with larger storage facilities to accommodate customer demand. Larger storage facilities, results in more products to manage for the employees. This results in heightened attention to detail in order to avoid the risks of accidents or slip and falls. According to reports, slip and falls are the number injury sustained by employees and customers in a grocery store. This inherent risk could be multiplied with more products to manage, which could result in a greater chance for negligence. The onset of the in-home delivery venture would then carry this same risk for employees entering a customer’s home.

TextingDriver-1024x682Turo and Getaround are the latest entries into the transportation landscape of South Florida. Think of it as an “Airbnb for cars”. It is also commonly referred to as the “car sharing” industry. Unlike Uber or Lyft, which are “ride-sharing”, car sharing companies such as Getaround and Turo offer to rent you someone’s car. The car owners place their vehicle for rent by the hour or by the day or week on the car sharing company app. But as with all vehicles, especially in Florida, the question ultimately becomes who will pay for injuries and damages in an accident caused by a Turo or Getaround driver and vehicle. That is where the Florida car sharing accident lawyers at Wolfson & Leon can help. If you were injured in an accident involving a Turo or Getaround car, then call the Turo accident lawyers or Getaround accident attorneys at Wolfson & Leon at 305-285-1115 for your free consultation.

Getaround Car Accidents

In 2009, Getaround was founded in San Francisco. It was launched at the TechCrunch Disrupt in 2011. It began in Portland Oregon with the assistance of a Federal Highway Administration grant of more than $1.7 billion. As recently as April 2019, Getaround bought the carsharing company Drivy for approximately $300 million. It operates in Washington DC, Denver, Los Angeles, San Diego, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Seattle, New Jersey, San Francisco, Boston, Chicago and South Florida including Miami.

fort_myers_storefront_car_crash_attorneyIf you slip and fall in a parking lot in Florida, chances are that it may not be your fault. But you will need to speak with the best Florida parking lot accident lawyer you can call to find out for sure. At Wolfson & Leon, our parking lot accident attorneys have defended the rights of injured victims since 1963 and they are ready to help you too. Call them right now at 305-285-1115 for your free consultation to find out if some person or corporation might be responsible for your parking lot accident in Florida.

Hazardous Parking Lot Issues

Chances are you use a parking lot at least once a day, but you may not have considered just how dangerous they can be. There are of course the obvious issues that you need to watch out for, such as potholes. But there are other, less obvious issues that you need to be aware of.

fort-lauderdale-car-crashIf you have been injured in a car crash, do not make these mistakes! The Florida car accident attorneys at Wolfson & Leon have helped accident victims since 1963. They have offices in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, Fort Myers and West Palm Beach and are standing by to answer your questions. Call today for your free consultation at 305-285-1115.

Car Accident Mistakes and Missteps

After checking to make sure that you are ok, you should immediately call the police. Often people will not want to call the police if they do not think that the crash is too bad. If another person is involved in the crash, people think they can just exchange contact and insurance information.

20160218_143554-1024x576If you live and drive in Florida, a new law will soon take effect and it can have a dramatic effect on how you drive.

On May 17 Gov. Ron DeSantis signed the ‘Wireless Communication While Driving’ bill into law that would make driving while texting a primary offense. Before this bill, Florida was only one of a handful of states that had texting while driving not as a primary offense. That meant that police had to have another reason (such as speeding) for pulling over a person and ticketing them. With the new law, police will now be given the power to pull people over if and when they see people texting while driving.

The bill will kick into effect on July 1. However, the Florida legislature is giving drivers some time to get used to the new law. Police will not fine those they pull over for texting while driving until January of next year – they will just issue a warning. Once the fines kick in next year, a first violation will land a person a $30 fine plus court costs and fees. Subsequent violations within 5 years of the first violation carries a heavier fine of $60 plus court costs and fees. The bill will also prohibit people from using handheld wireless communications devices in construction and school zones.

brain-injury-1346331572601Traumatic brain injuries or TBIs are a serious issue in the United States. Over 1.5 million cases of TBI occur in the country every year. There are currently approximately 5.3 million people living with disabilities related to TBI. Sadly, each year approximately 155 people die from TBI-related injuries. At Wolfson & Leon, our Florida brain injury accident lawyers are available to assist and represent anyone who suffered a traumatic brain injury in any type of accident in Florida. Just call us today at 305-285-1115 and allow us the opportunity to answer your questions about traumatic brain injuries.

Traumatic Brain Injuries Caused by Accidents in Florida

TBIs occur when the brain hits the inside of the skull and there is a disruption in the normal functioning of the brain. The most common cause of TBIs stems from falls, such as a person slipping and falling in store, and banging their head on an object. However, people can also sustain TBIs from car crashes or motorcycle crashes. People can even get TBIs from objects falling on their heads.

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