Miami-AMMuch is happening the world of traumatic brain injuries (TBIs). More and more studies are showing that what we used to know about TBIs is completely false. The traumatic brain injury attorneys at Wolfson & Leon are paying close attention to this breaking information.

What is a TBI? Traumatic Brain Injuries are caused when a person’s brain hits the inside of their skull and disrupt the normal operations of the person’s brain. Studies have shown that TBIs are a major issue in the United States, being a leading cause of death and life-long disability in this country.

Doctors divide TBI diagnoses into three primary categories: mild, moderate, and severe. It is important to note that a person’s recovery period does not necessarily equate to a person’s TBI category diagnosis.

publix-slip-and-fall-300x169Living in the state of Florida, chances are you have heard of Publix. The chain of grocery stores, which is headquartered in Lakeland, Florida, is expanding an incredible rate of growth, adding stores across the country.

In 2018, Publix boasted an incredible $36.1 billion in revenue in its annual reports. This is a whopping 4.4% increase from the previous year.

Amazingly, this sales rate puts the Florida-based chain on par with national giants such as Nike. For a comparison, in its annual report for 2018, Nike reported revenues just over that of Publix’s revenues at $36.4 billion.

slip-and-fall-lawyersIn this day and age, robots are taking over more and more jobs. Some of the largest stores in the country are developing the technology to put robots in its stores. One of those stores is Walmart.

Walmart has recently been testing out using robots for tasks that people do not enjoy doing. It also has the added benefit of significantly cutting labor costs and being more efficient. The robots could be used to clean the floors, sort inventory, or stock items.

Currently, Walmart has been using robots as floor cleaners. The company expects to have these robots start out at 1,500 stores and then hopefully expand from there. Moreover, Walmart is expecting to add 600 conveyor belts to the stores. These conveyor belts will be able to automatically sort inventory. Walmart is also hoping to bring in 300 robots that will be able to check to see if shelves are running out of a particular item.

courtroom-300x225-300x225Amazon continues to expand into more and more areas of everyday life in this country. Recently, Amazon has made significant moves into the health care sector. Specifically, the company has started partnering with JP Morgan Chase and Berkshire Hathaway to create a more streamlined and efficient method of providing health care to the company’s over 12 million employees.

In addition, Amazon also purchased PillPack in 2018. PillPack is an online startup company that specializes in mailing people’s prescriptions. The startup organizes, packages, and delivers medications to its customers. The medications come prepackaged together depending on when the client is supposed to take the medications. Significantly, PillPack owns the licenses to sell medications in 49 states, a necessity for any company trying to create a pharmaceutical business.

Amazon’s buyout of PillPack led many to speculate that Amazon is in the process of creating its own pharmacy. This speculation was backed up when Amazon started selling health care supplies on its B2B site, Amazon Business. Amazon Business reported an incredible $10 billion in sales in 2018.

TextingDriver-1024x682April is Distracted Driving Awareness Month in Florida, and the Sunshine State badly needs it. In a 2017 study, Florida ranks second in the country for distracted driving, only coming in behind Louisiana. This is from the online insurance firm EverQuote. The study analyzed approximately 2.7 million vehicle trips, which accounted for over 230 million miles driven.

In the study, drivers were given a device called the EverDrive, which is a type of motion-sensing app. This device measures a person’s speed, acceleration, and turning while the driver’s phone is being used. It can tell whether a person speeds, turns aggressively, or banks hard.

The device, however, does not measure movements while the phone is in sleep mode or while it is being used with a hands-free device.

personal-injury-lawyerFlorida’s official nickname is the Sunshine State. Its beautiful beaches and luscious state parks draw thousands each year to enjoy the great outdoors. This may sound like Florida is therefore the perfect place to go for a bike ride. Unfortunately, however, Florida is ranked as the most dangerous state in the country to ride a bicycle.

According to a recent study by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration, bicyclists in Florida as far more likely to be killed than in any other state in the US. The NHTSA study looked at the number of deaths resulting from traffic crashes between 2007 to 2016, and the results were surprising. For Florida, many, if not most, of the state’s cities dominate the study’s rankings as the most dangerous for cyclists.

Unlike many cities in Europe, like London or Amsterdam, metro areas in the United States are not built with cyclists in mind. Most cities in Europe specifically build their infrastructure to include modes of transportation that do not revolve around cars. For example, the European cities are better at including independent bicycle lanes or creating safer crosswalks for pedestrians.

16On March 29th, the Ultra Music Festival returns for its 20th year but with a new location at Virginia Key on Key Biscayne a barrier island in Miami.  A new location brings with it new challenges—especially regarding getting to and from Ultra.

This year parking will not be available at Ultra and patrons are being provided the options to use ride share applications (Uber/Lyft) or free shuttles provided by Ultra.  With only one roadway on and off Key Biscayne, known as the Rickenbacker Causeway, it is going to be crucial for Ultra-festival goers to 1) download Uber or Lyft apps or 2) be aware of Ultra’s free shuttle service and its locations.

Uber and Lyft will only be available to get you and your friends to Ultra, and you can simply enter “Ultra Music Festival” into your Uber and Lyft app to get to Ultra or a transit hub which has been set up by Ultra.  Uber and Lyft can get you to Ultra but are not going to be available once you are at Ultra.  For this reason, Ultra is providing free shuttle service to one of three locations.

Roads-TrafficIt can happen anywhere, at anytime. You and your family could be having a wonderful time out at a store, then tragedy happens. A car spins out of control and crashes into a storefront. The unfortunate truth is that this happens more than you would think.

According to a study conducted by the Storefront Safety Council, an automobile crashes into a building at least 60 times each day. These crashes cause almost 500 deaths and over 3,600 injuries each year.

The Storefront Safety Council is a non-profit organization that is made up of volunteers from differing backgrounds who wish to find a way to lower the high number of cars crashing into storefronts. The Council particularly favors putting barriers in front of stores to prevent the crashes.

accident-miami-300x225For years now various car companies have been developing the technology for automated cars. What was once a long-away dream, may soon be reality.

In an article, the South Florida Sun Sentinel explored just how drivers in Southern Florida would be affected by the new technologies. Driverless cars will affect everything from the width of the driving lanes to speed limits. Due to the driverless cars’ technology, driving lanes will become narrower, there will be fewer public parking lots, speed limits will increase, there will be flyover ramps at intersections, and there may even be more shortcuts through neighborhoods.

The reason for this is that all of the automated cars will be able to not just communicate with each other, but also with the traffic signals and roads. All of this technology will be used to prevent accidents with other vehicles, pedestrians, bicycles, and anything else (like deer or fallen tree branches).

hospital-300x200If you have been in a large city recently, you may have noticed a lot of people riding around on electric scooters. The trend is sweeping across the United States, with large companies investing millions of dollars and dropping hundreds of dockless electric scooters in cities across the nation.

The electronic scooter companies are aiming to reshape how people get around cities by creating a new era of environmentally friendly micro transportation. Bird and Lime are two of the largest electronic scooter companies in the United States, each with valuations of $2 to $3 billion.

The appeal? Both companies offer fairly cheap and convenient services. It costs just $1 to rent an electronic scooter, plus 15 cents per minute. There is no docking station, which means that riders are allowed to just “drop” their electronic scooters as soon as they are done with them. Moreover, the companies require that each rider is at least 18 years-old, and technically requires the riders to use a helmet, although enforcement of the helmet rule is difficult to police.

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