Two Miami-Dade women suffered serious injuries in an alleged drag racing accident. According to the Daily Business Review, their auto accident attorney was able to secure them an $11.5 million award in damages. Both women suffered collapsed lungs, among other injuries, including broken ribs and fractures. The drag-racing driver had been speeding through a residential neighborhood.
Drag racing has been glamorized in films and in the media, but the practice is incredibly dangerous—not only to the drivers who participate in this high-risk activity, but also to other drivers and pedestrians who happen to be on the road. Miami recently found itself in the national media spotlight when Justin Bieber was arrested for drag racing. Despite having to pay heavy fines and take courses, Bieber faced no jail time.
Miami is not the only place where drag racing has taken its toll on lives and families. ABC News reports of a deadly drag racing accident that killed five spectators in Maryland.