No one is immune from distracted driving these days. Even if you aren’t texting or calling while driving, it would be hard not to be distracted by the features that newer cars come with. For instance, changing the radio station, fiddling with climate control or using anything but voice controlled GPS systems can each be considered distracted driving.

A recent article in the Tampa Tribune reinforces the idea that any driver can be guilty of distracted driving, and it only takes a moment for these habits to cause an accident. Ryan Leiker was driving down the road, slowing down to make a left turn. He had his blinker on, but the driver behind him wasn’t paying attention and hit the rear of Leiker’s vehicle hard enough to cause an estimated $20,000 in damage.

“I will prescribe regimens for the good of my patients according to my ability and my judgment and never do harm to anyone.” This line comes from the Hippocratic Oath, which has been taken by physicians for more than 2,000 years. It seems straightforward enough, but not all physicians who take the Oath mean what they say.

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We trust our surgeons and doctors to do their best when treating us. We trust our doctors to take care when making a diagnosis, and we trust our surgeons to be rested and alert for our procedures. Unfortunately, not all that trust is well placed.

When a negligent physician harms a patient, it is the personal-injury lawyer’s job to help them seek justice for their suffering. Medical-malpractice lawsuits serve to compensate victims and spread the word about negligence, hopefully preventing future cases of malpractice.

About one year ago, a Miami mother went in for a breast-augmentation surgery. She was healthy, fit and described as vivacious. Complications during surgery caused her to lapse into a coma. After suffering brain damage, she is now excited when she is able to move her feet or string more than a few words together.


The Miami Herald reports that Linda Perez’s family is filing a medical-malpractice lawsuit against the surgeon who performed the breast augmentation. As the news of the impending lawsuit spread, new details have emerged about the surgeon and Perez’s current physical state.

Her Parents Were Advised To Take Her Off Of Life Support While She Was In A Coma

Hit-and-run accidents are a growing danger on U.S. roadways. According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), at-fault drivers flee the scene in about 11 percent of accidents. In Florida, news about hit-and-runs was all over the media in January. Below, you’ll find a summary of three of those stories.


If you have been in an accident and the driver who caused the wreck fled the scene, we can help. At Wolfson & Leon, we’ve represented car accident victims since 1963. If you are looking for a car-accident lawyer in Miami, give us a call. We offer a free consultation so that you can decide if we are a good fit. To schedule your consultation, Call Us At 305-285-1115 Today!

State Senate Supports Bill That Increases Penalties For Hit-And-Run Drivers

Alexis Fairchild and Sidney Good, both 17 years old, were excited to spend a vacation in Florida together. The two best friends were having a blast at the Treasure Island Resort and decided to conquer their fears by going parasailing for the first time. Unfortunately, poor weather and the proximity of the anchor boat to the shore led to a horrific accident that made news all around the world.


The accident, which occurred six months ago, began when the parasailing company, Aquatic Adventures, tried to reel the girls back into the boat, but strong winds prevented them from doing so. When they were hit by a sudden gust, the tow rope broke and the girls were pulled toward the shore by the wind.

Witnesses on the beach broke out their cameras, capturing the horrific ordeal as it unfolded. The girls slammed into an apparent building and struck a power line before falling onto a car.

A video broadcasted on ABC News has gone viral. It depicts a driver in Florida losing control of his vehicle, swerving onto a sidewalk and hitting a tree before his car flips onto its roof.


The video was captured by a police cruiser’s dash-cam. The police officer just happened to be following Michael James Woody’s vehicle when the accident occurred. Woody, who was uninjured, told the officer that he was texting behind the wheel.

Fortunately, the accident happened at night when the sidewalks were not in regular use, but the video comes at a time when Floridians are debating whether or not the recent texting-and-driving ban, implemented last year, has been effective in curbing the number of car accidents related to texting.

In 2012, billionaire real-estate mogul Jeffrey Soffer was involved in a helicopter crash that claimed the life of his friend Lance Valdez, an attorney from Florida. The crash occurred in the Bahamas at an exclusive club. The original story that emerged stated that David Pearce, who is a licensed helicopter pilot, was landing the craft when an unexpected burst of wind disrupted the landing, causing the crash.

The story went on to detail that Valdez’s widow, Dari Pastouhkova Gogoleva, received a $2 million payment from the insurance company as compensation. She also signed a release, promising not to sue anyone onboard the aircraft. Since then, new details have emerged that could change everything.

Ismael Martinez and his son, Fidel Durante, were working on a concrete project on the side of the road when the accident happened. CBS Miami reports that it was early in the morning, and they were walking from their work truck to the project site when the driver of an SUV lost control of her vehicle and hit the two pedestrians. Durante was clipped and only received minor injuries, but his father was not so lucky.


The SUV ran over Martinez, throwing him to the ground and nearly severing his leg. The driver quickly drove away and was nowhere to be found when the police and paramedics arrived. Martinez was taken to Ryder Trauma Center for treatment. His surgeons performed four surgeries in an attempt to save his leg, but a series of serious infections forced them to amputate below the knee.

Two weeks later, Martinez says that he is starting to feel better. Until the past few days, he wasn’t able to sleep for more than a handful of minutes because of the excruciating pain that the surgeries caused him. He says that he can’t remember much of the accident; the only thing that he can remember clearly is the moment that impact occurred.

More than a year ago, a Jehovah’s Witness congregation’s bus trip turned tragic when their bus driver became lost and crashed into an overpass. The bus was carrying 32 church members on their way to a gathering in West Palm Beach. Their driver, Ramon Ferreiro, took a wrong turn and ended up at Miami International Airport.

In the confusion, he began to travel the wrong way down a road near the airport and tried to drive the 12-foot-high bus under an 8-foot-6-inch-high overpass. Additionally, Ferreiro was driving at twice the speed limit. The impact tore open the roof of the bus and instantly killed one of the passengers. Two other passengers died at the hospital.

Car accidents are a regular fixture in the news, especially in Florida, which has one of the highest numbers of car accidents in the nation. Even though these accidents are seen almost every day, accidents that involve and injure children are still particularly shocking and saddening to read about. Unfortunately, we have seen two such accidents recently in Florida.

The first accident occurred last week, when a red 2013 Dodge Dart hit 12-year-old Shania Jackson. The Sun Sentinel says witnesses told police that the driver didn’t break and hit the girl hard enough that she was thrown down the street. The car’s headlight was broken in the collision, but the driver didn’t stop.

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