If you use UBER or LYFT to pick up and deliver your minor children, then you should know it is a violation of company policy for both of these corporations. Realistically, you should also know that these companies do very little to enforce this policy. To most drivers, a ride is a ride whether it is a child or an adult.
UBER and LYFT always say to right thing. But the proof is in their actions. Consider UBER’s firearm policy. No guns for anyone at any time. Sounds great – but no real effort put into actual enforcement.
Same thing for UBER’s discrimination policy. No one is allowed to discriminate – ever. Sounds wonderful, but is UBER doing anything proactively? No, they are not. Therefore, there is no reason to assume that UBER or LYFT is going to actively prevent drivers from picking up riders under the age of majority. If something goes wrong, UBER or LYFT will simply point to their policy and claim innocence – just like they do with guns and discrimination.